Margie Washichek: The Untold Story of Jimmy Buffett’s First Wife

In the sun-soaked annals of music history, Jimmy Buffett stands as a legendary figure, his laid-back tunes and “Margaritaville” lifestyle captivating millions. But behind every great man, there’s often a woman who helped shape his journey. For Jimmy Buffett, that woman was Margie Washichek, his first wife and an unsung hero of his early career. 

This article delves into the untold story of Margie Washichek, exploring her life before, during, and after her marriage to the music legend, offering a glimpse into the woman who played a crucial role in shaping one of America’s most beloved musicians.

Early Life and Education: Roots in the Gulf Coast

Margie Washichek’s story begins on the picturesque Gulf Coast, where the rhythm of the waves and the salt in the air would later inspire some of Buffett’s most iconic songs. Born and raised in Alabama, Margie’s childhood was steeped in the rich culture of the South.

Her family, like many in the region, valued hard work, community, and the simple pleasures of coastal living. Growing up in the 1950s and ’60s, Margie was exposed to a rapidly changing world. The Gulf Coast, with its blend of southern charm and beachside relaxation, provided a unique backdrop for her formative years.

It was here that she developed the resilience and adaptability that would serve her well in her future with Jimmy Buffett.

Key Influences on Margie’s Early Life:

  • Southern hospitality and values
  • The laid-back lifestyle of the Gulf Coast
  • A strong sense of community
  • Exposure to diverse musical traditions

Margie’s childhood in Alabama wasn’t just about sun and sand. She was raised in a time of significant social change, witnessing the civil rights movement firsthand. This experience likely contributed to her open-mindedness and ability to adapt to new situations – traits that would prove invaluable in her future with Jimmy.

Her education in local schools exposed her to a mix of traditional southern values and progressive ideas. Margie excelled academically, showing a particular aptitude for literature and the arts.

It was during these formative years that she first developed her love for music, often attending local concerts and learning to play the guitar – a shared interest that would later connect her with Jimmy Buffett.

The College Years: Where Jimmy Met Margie

The College Years Where Jimmy Met Margie

The story of Jimmy Buffett and Margie Washichek took a fateful turn at the University of Southern Mississippi. It was here, amidst the buzz of campus life and the excitement of new possibilities, that their paths crossed.

Margie, with her quick wit and warm smile, caught the eye of a young Jimmy Buffett, who was already nurturing dreams of musical stardom.

Their college years were a time of discovery, not just academically, but personally. As they navigated the challenges of higher education, Jimmy and Margie found in each other a kindred spirit. Their shared love for music, adventure, and the coastal lifestyle laid the foundation for a relationship that would shape both their lives.

“College is where I really started to find myself, and finding Margie was a big part of that journey.” – Jimmy Buffett

The University of Southern Mississippi in the late 1960s was a hub of cultural and social activity. It was against this backdrop that Jimmy and Margie’s relationship blossomed. They attended concerts together, shared long conversations about their dreams and aspirations, and supported each other through the ups and downs of college life.

Margie, pursuing a degree in English Literature, brought a different perspective to Jimmy’s musical ambitions. Her love for words and storytelling complemented his songwriting, and many who knew them then recall how she often provided feedback on his early compositions.

Their relationship wasn’t just about shared interests; it was a partnership of dreamers. Margie saw the potential in Jimmy that many others missed, encouraging him to pursue his passion for music even when the odds seemed stacked against him.

This unwavering support would become a cornerstone of their relationship, carrying them through the challenging early years of Jimmy’s career.

The Buffett Years: From “I Do” to “Margaritaville”

As Jimmy Buffett’s first wife, Margie Washichek played a crucial role in the early stages of his career. Their relationship blossomed from college sweethearts to life partners, with Margie standing by Jimmy’s side as he took his first steps into the music industry.

Tying the Knot and Chasing Dreams

The young couple’s decision to marry was a bold step into an uncertain future. With little more than Jimmy’s guitar and their shared dreams, they embarked on a journey that would test their resolve and ultimately lead to musical legend status for Jimmy.

Milestones in Jimmy and Margie’s Early Years:

  1. Wedding day celebrations in 1969
  2. Setting up their first home together in Mobile, Alabama
  3. Jimmy’s first paid gigs at local bars and restaurants
  4. Margie’s unwavering support of Jimmy’s musical aspirations

Their wedding, a simple affair reflecting their modest means, was held in 1969. Friends and family gathered to celebrate the union of two young people clearly in love and ready to take on the world together. Little did they know the impact this union would have on the music world.

The newlyweds set up their first home in Mobile, Alabama, a small apartment that doubled as a rehearsal space for Jimmy. Margie, ever supportive, worked various jobs to help make ends meet while Jimmy pursued gigs wherever he could find them.

Their home became a hub for local musicians, with impromptu jam sessions and songwriting workshops becoming a regular occurrence.

The Lean Years: Hot Dogs and Big Dreams

The early years of marriage were far from glamorous for Jimmy Buffett and his first wife. Margie Washichek stood by her husband through thick and thin, often working odd jobs to make ends meet while Jimmy pursued his musical dreams.

Their diet of hot dogs and determination became the stuff of legend, a testament to their commitment to each other and to Jimmy’s career.

YearMilestoneMargie’s Role
1969MarriageSupportive partner
1970Jimmy’s first albumBackground vocalist
1971Move to NashvilleJob-hunting to support them
1972“White Sport Coat and a Pink Crustacean” releaseEmotional support

These lean years were characterized by constant struggle and unwavering determination. Margie took on multiple jobs, from waitressing to clerical work, to keep their dreams afloat. She was not just a financial supporter but also Jimmy’s biggest fan, attending every gig she could and offering constructive feedback on his performances.

It was during this time that Jimmy began to develop his signature sound, blending country, folk, and coastal influences. Margie’s input was invaluable, her ear for lyrics and melody helping to refine Jimmy’s raw talent. She even lent her voice to some of his early recordings, her harmonies adding depth to Jimmy’s evolving sound.

The move to Nashville in 1971 was a pivotal moment for the couple. While it presented new opportunities for Jimmy, it also brought new challenges. Margie found herself in an unfamiliar city, far from the coastal environment she loved, yet she embraced the change with characteristic grace and optimism.

Life After Jimmy: Charting Her Own Course

Life After Jimmy Charting Her Own Course

As Jimmy Buffett’s star began to rise, the strain on his marriage to Margie Washichek became increasingly apparent. The demands of touring, the allure of fame, and the challenges of maintaining a relationship in the spotlight took their toll. In 1971, after just two years of marriage, Jimmy and Margie made the difficult decision to separate.

The divorce proceedings were a turning point for Margie. While Jimmy’s career was taking off, she found herself at a crossroads, faced with the task of rebuilding her life and identity outside of being “Jimmy Buffett’s wife.”

This period was undoubtedly challenging for Margie. The dream she had shared with Jimmy was now his alone, and she had to redefine her own aspirations. However, those who knew her speak of her remarkable resilience during this time.

Rather than being bitter about the end of her marriage, Margie chose to focus on personal growth and new beginnings.

Margie’s Post-Buffett Journey

In the wake of her divorce from Jimmy Buffett, Margie Washichek embarked on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. No longer in the shadow of a rising music legend, she had the opportunity to define herself on her own terms.

Margie’s Post-Divorce Achievements:

  • Pursued higher education, earning a Master’s degree in Education
  • Developed a successful career as a high school English teacher
  • Raised a family, becoming a devoted mother to two children
  • Maintained dignity and privacy despite public interest in her past

Margie’s decision to pursue a career in education was a natural extension of her love for literature and her desire to make a positive impact on young lives. As a teacher, she was known for her creativity and ability to inspire a love of reading in her students.

Many of her former students remember her as a teacher who went above and beyond, often incorporating music and storytelling into her lessons – perhaps a lingering influence from her time with Jimmy.

While she never sought the limelight, Margie’s experiences with Jimmy Buffett gave her a unique perspective that she often used to encourage her students to pursue their dreams, no matter how unconventional they might seem.

Margie Today: Living Life on Her Own Terms

Margie Today Living Life on Her Own Terms

Today, Margie Washichek leads a quiet life away from the spotlight. While Jimmy Buffett’s career soared to new heights, his first wife chose a path of privacy and personal fulfillment. She has rarely spoken publicly about her time with Jimmy, preferring to let that chapter of her life remain in the past.

Despite her reluctance to revisit her marriage to the music legend, Margie’s impact on Jimmy Buffett’s early career and the development of his iconic sound is undeniable. Her influence can be heard in the Gulf Coast rhythms and laid-back lyrics that became Buffett’s trademark.

Now retired from teaching, Margie enjoys a life filled with family, friends, and community involvement. She remains an avid reader and has taken up painting in her retirement years, often drawing inspiration from the Gulf Coast landscapes of her youth.

While she may no longer be in the public eye, those who know her speak of a woman who has lived a rich and fulfilling life on her own terms.

Margie’s Legacy: More Than Just an Ex-Wife

Margie Washichek’s legacy extends far beyond her role as Jimmy Buffett’s first wife. Her resilience, support, and influence during the formative years of Buffett’s career helped shape the artist he would become. The “Margaritaville” lifestyle, which has become synonymous with Jimmy Buffett, owes much to the early experiences he shared with Margie.

Margie’s Enduring Impact:

  • Inspiration for early songwriting
  • Shaping of the “Margaritaville” ethos
  • Example of grace and dignity in the face of public scrutiny
  • Reminder of the important role played by supportive partners in artists’ careers

While Jimmy Buffett went on to become a household name, Margie’s influence on his early work cannot be overstated. The carefree, coastal lifestyle that became his trademark was one they had shared and cultivated together during their marriage.

Some music historians argue that without Margie’s influence, the Jimmy Buffett we know today might have been a very different artist.

Moreover, Margie’s story serves as an inspiration to those who find themselves in the shadow of a famous partner. Her ability to forge her own path and find fulfillment outside of her connection to a celebrity demonstrates remarkable strength and self-assurance.

In the classroom, Margie’s legacy lives on through the countless students she inspired over her teaching career. Her emphasis on creativity, critical thinking, and the power of storytelling has undoubtedly shaped many young minds, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond her immediate sphere of influence.


Margie Washichek, Jimmy Buffett’s first wife, played a pivotal role in launching his legendary career. Her support and inspiration were integral to his early success, though their paths eventually diverged. Margie’s story illuminates the complex relationships behind cultural icons and the unsung heroes who contribute to their rise.

Her journey from college sweetheart to independent woman offers insights into the human elements of musical success. While celebrating Buffett’s legacy, we should acknowledge Margie’s quiet strength and lasting impact. Her post-Buffett life demonstrates resilience and personal growth, reminding us that there’s life beyond celebrity associations.

Margie’s ability to reinvent herself and make a community impact is a testament to her character. Her story is not just about a famous connection, but about facing life’s challenges with grace and finding her own path to fulfillment.

Call to Action: Do you have any personal anecdotes or additional information about Margie Washichek’s story? Share your thoughts in the comments below and help us continue to uncover the untold stories behind our favorite music legends. If you enjoyed this article, consider exploring more about the unsung heroes behind other musical greats – you never know what fascinating stories you might discover!

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