Sierra Mist Lawsuit: The Reason Why PepsiCo Replaced it With Starry

PepsiCo stopped making Sierra Mist and started a new drink called Starry. This big change happened in early 2023. Many people wondered why PepsiCo did this. The story behind this switch is interesting and involves a lawsuit about the Sierra Mist name.

Sierra Mist has been around for more than 20 years. It was PepsiCo’s lemon-lime soda, like Sprite or 7Up. But Sierra Mist never sold as well as these other drinks. PepsiCo tried to make it better over the years, but it still didn’t sell enough.

A lawsuit about the Sierra Mist name seems to be part of why PepsiCo made this change. Someone called Cierra Mist said PepsiCo was using her name without permission. This article will explain what we know about this lawsuit. It will also talk about why PepsiCo replaced Sierra Mist with Starry, and what Starry is like.

Sierra Mist changed a lot over the years:

  • 1999: PepsiCo starts selling Sierra Mist. It uses corn syrup to make it sweet.
  • 2010: They make Sierra Mist Natural, using sugar from cane instead of corn syrup.
  • 2014: They add stevia to make it have fewer calories.
  • 2016: They change the name to Mist Twist and go back to using corn syrup.

Even with all these changes, Sierra Mist didn’t sell well. It had a hard time competing with other lemon-lime sodas. In 2021, Sprite sold six times more than Sierra Mist. This showed PepsiCo that they needed to make a big change.

The Rise and Fall of Sierra Mist

PepsiCo started selling Sierra Mist in 1999. It was their lemon-lime soda, made to compete with drinks like Sprite and 7Up. At first, many people liked Sierra Mist. It tasted a bit sweeter than other lemon-lime sodas.

Over time, PepsiCo changed Sierra Mist to try to make it better. They changed the sugar they used and even added new ingredients. In 2016, they even changed its name to Mist Twist for a while. They hoped these changes would make more people buy it.

But these changes didn’t work well. People didn’t buy Sierra Mist as much as PepsiCo wanted. Other lemon-lime sodas, especially Sprite, sold much more. By 2021, Sprite was selling six times more than Sierra Mist. PepsiCo knew they needed to do something different.

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The Cierra Mist Trademark Infringement Allegations

The Cierra Mist Trademark Infringement Allegations

In 2023, a strange story came out about Sierra Mist. A woman named Cierra Mist said PepsiCo was using her name without asking. Cierra Mist is a person who makes videos on TikTok. She said she had been using this name online before PepsiCo made Sierra Mist.

Cierra Mist told people about this in a YouTube video. She said PepsiCo told her she was breaking rules about trademarks. A trademark is like owning a name or logo for a product. Cierra Mist said she wasn’t doing anything wrong because she had used the name first.

This story made a lot of people on the internet upset with PepsiCo. They thought PepsiCo was being unfair to Cierra Mist. PepsiCo didn’t say anything about this story, so people didn’t know what to think. It’s not clear if this problem with Cierra Mist made PepsiCo decide to stop making Sierra Mist.

Introducing Starry: PepsiCoโ€™s New Lemon-Lime Soda

In January 2023, PepsiCo stopped making Sierra Mist. They started selling a new drink called Starry instead. Starry is also a lemon-lime soda, like Sprite and 7Up.

Starry is different from Sierra Mist in a few ways:

  • Sierra Mist uses cane sugar, but Starry uses corn syrup.
  • Sierra Mist was very sweet with a mild lemon-lime taste. Starry has a stronger lemon-lime flavor.
  • Sierra Mist was for everyone. Starry is made to appeal to younger people who use social media a lot.

PepsiCo wants Starry to be popular with young people. They say it has a stronger lemon-lime taste and looks more modern. They plan to advertise Starry a lot online, especially on social media like TikTok.

Greg Arellano, who works for PepsiCo, said: “Starry is the new lemon-lime drink that we think will compete well with Sprite.”

The Taste Test: Sierra Mist vs. Starry

Sierra Mist:

  • It’s very sweet
  • The lemon-lime taste is not very strong
  • The sugar makes it taste a bit like molasses
  • The sweetness covers up most of the lemon-lime flavor


  • It has a stronger lemon-lime taste
  • It’s not as sweet as Sierra Mist
  • You can taste the lemon and lime more clearly
  • It feels more refreshing

Many people who tried both drinks liked Starry better. They said it tasted more like a true lemon-lime soda. But remember, everyone likes different things, so some people might still prefer Sierra Mist.

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The Future of Lemon-Lime Sodas in the USA

The Future of Lemon-Lime Sodas in the USA

The future of lemon-lime sodas in the USA looks interesting. People are changing what they like to drink. Many are looking for healthier options or drinks with new flavors. This might make it harder for lemon-lime sodas to stay popular.

But drinks like Sprite and 7Up are still selling well. This shows that many people still enjoy lemon-lime sodas. Companies are trying to make these drinks appeal to younger people. They’re changing how the sodas taste and how they advertise them.

PepsiCo hopes Starry will be a big success. They want it to compete with Sprite, which is very popular. It’s too early to know if Starry will do well. The lemon-lime soda market might change a lot in the next few years. Companies will need to keep coming up with new ideas to keep people interested in these drinks.


Why was Sierra Mist Discontinued in the Lawsuit? 

Sierra Mist wasn’t directly discontinued due to a lawsuit. PepsiCo decided to replace it with Starry for marketing reasons.

What is the Sierra Mist Lawsuit? 

There’s no confirmed lawsuit about Sierra Mist itself. There were unverified claims about a trademark dispute with a social media user named Cierra Mist.

Why Did Sierra Mist Get Changed to Starry? 

PepsiCo changed Sierra Mist to Starry to better compete with other lemon-lime sodas. They wanted a new brand that would appeal more to younger consumers.

Final Thoughts

The change from Sierra Mist to Starry is a big move for PepsiCo. They hope Starry will do better against other lemon-lime sodas like Sprite. The new taste and look of Starry are meant to appeal to younger people who use social media a lot.

We don’t know for sure if the story about Cierra Mist affected PepsiCo’s decision. What we do know is that Sierra Mist wasn’t selling as well as PepsiCo wanted. They needed to do something different to compete in the lemon-lime soda market.

Only time will tell if Starry becomes popular. It’s too early to say if people will like it more than Sierra Mist or other lemon-lime sodas. What’s clear is that PepsiCo is trying hard to win more customers with this new drink. The soft drink market is always changing, and companies need to keep up with what people want.

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