What Is the CSC service work charge on a credit card or bank statement?

CSC Service Works is a company that provides valuable services like laundry and air machines. So, this charge likely means you used one of their machines without even realizing it.

CSC Service Works operates over a million laundry, drying, and air machines across the United States, Canada, and Europe. They put these machines in many familiar places, like apartment buildings, colleges, hotels, and gas stations. Without noticing, you may have tossed your clothes in a washer or dried your hands with an air dryer that was one of their machines. This is why a CSC Service Works charge can appear on your statement.

Don’t worry, the charge means you took advantage of one of their conveniences. CSC Service Works is an honest company, not a scam. However, it’s understandable that an unfamiliar name on your statement might surprise you. This article will help explain what the CSC Service Works charge is, how it can happen, and what to do if you have any other questions about the fee. 

Does the CSC Service Work Charge appear on my credit card?

The CSC Service Work charge shows up on your credit card because you used one of their machines at some point. CSC Service Works runs laundry machines, drying machines, air pumps, and more at places like apartment buildings, schools, hotels, and gas stations. 

Whenever you do a load of laundry, fill your tires with air, or use another CSC Service Works machine, they charge a small fee. That fee then appears on your credit card statement as the CSC Service Work Charge.

So whether you realize it or not, this charge means you utilized one of their services without knowing the company name.

CSC Service Works Charge on Credit Card – Contact Details

CSC ServiceWorks

  • 35 Pinelawn Road, Suite 120, Melville, NY 11747
  • Customer Service Phone: 1-844-272-9675
  • Hours: Monday to Friday, 7 am to 7 pm

Options to contact

  • Phone
  • Email
  • Mail

Additional numbers

  • Appliance Warehouse: 1-800-693-4343
  • Super Laundry: 1-888-707-9274
  • Sparkle Solutions – Canada: 1-866-769-0680
  • CSC ServiceWorks Academic Division: 1-800-762-3452
  • Website: www.CSCSW.com

Purpose of contacting

  • Get details on a specific charge
  • Discuss billing questions
  • Resolve any issues with charges

Friendly and helpful customer support is available during business hours and via email/voicemail at other times.

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Types of Charges

CSC Service Work charges come in different types depending on the service used. Common ones include low charges of $1-$2 for a single use of a machine. However, you may also see more considerable charges if you are using a service.

Appearance on Bank Statements

Appearance on Bank Statements

On your bank statement, the CSC Service Work charge will usually say precisely that or something similar. It may also include details like the location or machine type to provide more context. Don’t worry if it looks unfamiliar at first – it’s legitimate.

Examples of Different Charge Codes

While codes can vary between banks, common ones seen include things like “CHKCARD cscservicework” or “POS Debit cscservicework.” These identify the payment type and also the company behind the charge.

One-Time vs Recurring Charges

Most CSC charges are one-time fees for single uses. But if using a service through membership, you may see recurring charges of the same amount appearing at set intervals until it’s canceled.

Why You Might See This Charge?

Why You Might See This Charge?

The CSC charge on your bank statement usually means you used one of their service machines without realizing it. Here are some common ways that could happen.

Using Laundry Services

CSC has coin-operated washing machines and dryers in many apartment buildings and laundromats. Doing laundry there often results in a small fee from CSC showing up later.

Filling Tyres with Air at Gas Stations

Most gas stations run an air pump by CSC near the air/tire section. Filling up your tires is a quick fix, but CSC charges a couple of dollars for the convenience that appears on your statement.

Other Vending-Style Machines

Sometimes, CSC operates other machines around places like rest stops that provide things like air hand dryers in bathrooms. Little charges from these pop-up services may also be labeled as a CSC fee.

The good news is that all these charges are legitimate, which means you took advantage of one of CSC’s services without realizing who was behind it. Now you’ll know to look out for their name on statements in the future.

What to Do If You Don’t Recognise the Charge?

If a charge from CSC shows up that you can’t explain, stay calm before worrying. There are easy steps to double-check what it’s for.

Steps to Verify the Charge

Think back and review past credit card statements. See if a trip to do laundry or fill your tires lines up with the date of the CSC charge. Checking can jog your memory of using their machines.

How to Contact CSC ServiceWorks for Disputes?

CSC has customer service to contact by phone or email if you still need clarification. Their team can look up the specific charge and clear things up right away. They want to resolve any mistakes or confusion.

Contacting Your Bank for Charge Disputes

As a backup plan, speak to your bank if CSC isn’t able to verify a charge you believe needs to be corrected. Banks want to solve problems for customers and may be able to investigate or remove charges. 

How to Prevent Unwanted Charges?

How to Prevent Unwanted Charges?

It’s easy to end up with small CSC fees if you use their machines without realizing it. However, there are simple things you can do to avoid unnecessary CSC charges on your statements.

Tips for Avoiding Unnecessary Charges

Be mindful when using CSC machines by following instructions for payments. Also, check statements for unfamiliar charges right away so issues can be fixed. Knowing how the machines work prevents surprises.

Importance of Understanding Account Terms and Checking for Errors

It’s a good idea to understand any fees tied to your bank account or credit card. You’ll know right away if a charge doesn’t seem accurate. Plus, credit card statements are reviewed each month, so catching mistakes fast is critical for getting them addressed. Taking a few minutes each month could save hassles later on.


What is CSC Service Works?

CSC Service Works is a company that operates machines like laundry equipment, air pumps, and more. They are located all over the US, Canada, and Europe, usually in places like apartment buildings or gas stations.

Why did I get charged?

The charge means you used one of CSC’s machines to do laundry or fill your tires with air. Checking past statements and activities can help jog your memory on when and where this may have happened.

How much will it cost?

Charges are usually small amounts, like $1-2 for single uses. However, more considerable membership fees may apply if you use services over time.

How do I dispute a charge?

Contact CSC customer service by phone, email, or mail with questions. They can look up details or start a dispute if a charge seems incorrect. Your bank may also help investigate potential errors.

Will I see this charge again?

You may see occasional small CSC charges if you are still using their laundry, air, or other services from time to time. Being aware of their machines can prevent surprises in the future.


The CSC Service Works charge on your statement means you used one of their many machines without realizing it. CSC operates laundry, drying, air, and other services all over North America. By understanding what CSC is and how the charges work, you will be clear and confident about small fees showing up. 

If ever unsure, it’s easy to verify charges by checking statements and contacting friendly customer support. Now that you know the story behind CSC, you can feel informed instead of surprised the next time you see their name on a statement. Don’t Remember – those charges are for taking advantage of convenient services offered through CSC.

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